The Taiwan Monthly
Listed Companies and Initial Public Offerings
TWSE domestic listed companies show strong performance in revenue and profits of 2021 Q3
A total of 863 domestic listed companies and 77 primary listed companies (excluding the financial holding companies, Billionton Systems Inc. and Enterex International Limited) have filed 2021 Q3 financial reports by November 15, 2021. The summary shows that the domestic listed companies as a whole reported NT$ 25,854.1 billion in total operating revenue for the 9 months ended September 30, 2021, which is a YOY 19.92% growth compared to 2020.Moreover, the net profit before tax for the 9 months ended September 30, 2021 is NT$3,170.5 billion, which is a YOY 92.82% increase compared to 2020. Taiwan’s economic growth continues, and the listed companies also have achieved a strong performance in 2021 Q3.
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