The Taiwan Monthly
The Corporate Governance Center publishes the 2018 Law Enforcement Report and the 2019 Corporate Governance Report
Having an integrated corporate governance platform enables outside parties to gain a stronger understanding of the advances that have been executed by Taiwan in this field. Given the importance of this fact, the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE), the Taipei Exchange (TPEx), and the Securities and Futures Investors Protection Center (SFIPC) have been designated by the competent authority to collect information on various aspects covering criminal and civil liability, administration, issuance, trading, supervision, and intermediaries. The information compiled for the 2018 Law Enforcement Report includes law enforcement cases of criminal and civil liability, administrative sanctions imposed by the competent authority, and penalties imposed by the TWSE and TPEx. The 2018 report has been published on the website of the Corporate Governance Center (the "Center") for reference
report_EN%200325%20final.pdf ). The 2019 Law Enforcement Report on securities and futures markets will be published on the Center's website upon completion.
As the cornerstone of a sound capital market, corporate governance represents continuous sustainable investment. In aligning with global practices, Taiwan has taken the initiative to research development trends of major countries in the world and tailored the corporate governance system to national criteria. In recent years, the FSC has completed the following priorities: conducting corporate governance evaluations for TWSE/TPEx listed companies; compiling and promoting CG indexes and ESG indexes; expanding the establishment of independent directors and audit committees; introducing the system of chief corporate governance officers; adopting electronic voting; and promoting the candidate nomination system for the election of directors and supervisors. The FSC considers corporate governance to be a priority for market enhancement and has thus added a legal basis for the punishment of violations of the "Regulations Governing the Exercise of Powers by Audit Committees" or "Regulations Governing the Appointment and Exercise of Powers by the Remuneration Committee.
Encompassing all aspects of corporate governance promotion for 2019, the TWSE partnered with the TPEx, Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation, and Securities & Futures Institute to analyze corporate governance growth in Taiwan. This included evaluating the execution results of the New Corporate Governance Blueprint, financial industry practice adherence, and investigating challenges and countermeasures through case studies to outline and promote future corporate governance advances. The 2019 Corporate Governance Report will be published on the Center's website
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Corporate governance entails permanent, ongoing work. New concepts and issues will constantly emerge as the market changes. The competent authorities closely observes any market variation and has long-term cooperation with private institutions and organizations in Taiwan to continuously innovate corporate governance and reinforce domestic practices in line with the trends and reforms of major countries in the world, so as to achieve sustainability through enhanced corporate governance.
For further inquiries, please contact Ms. Huang at