The Taiwan Monthly

Aug. 2020

Global Connection

Upcoming events: “Sustaining ESG for ETFs,” and “Taiwan - Navigating through this Pandemic.”

The Taiwan Stock Exchange (“TWSE”) representatives will deliver online speeches on August 5 and 26, showcasing the TWSE’s ESG achievement and future development plan.


The webinar “Sustaining ESG for ETFs” on August 5 will run from 4 to 5 pm Taipei Time, held by the Taiwan Stock Exchange, FTSE Russell and The Asset. Taiwan listed companies have made significant progress in ESG performance. This is evidenced based on major global index companies tracking sustainable performance in 2020, in which Taiwan’s weight was ranked number one in the both the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index and FTSE4Good Emerging Index. In the past 12 months, Taiwan’s market has launched the first ESG ETF and also the region’s first ESG futures contract.


The experts from the TWSE, FTSE Russell and Deloitte will present on the subject of ESG future investing in ETFs. All are welcome to join the Webinar by registering through the following link:


The other panel on “Taiwan - Navigating through this Pandemic”, will be held on August 26, cohosted by the TWSE and Goldman Sachs Securities (“GS”). Three online speeches will be arranged to share with institutional investors showcasing how Taiwan successfully prevented the spread of COVID-19, the outstanding performance of the Taiwan capital market, and the recent foreign IPO plan. A key focus will be on corporate governance reform which is an area closely observed by international investors. Event videos will be uploaded to Webpro 3.0 website after the speech on August 26. 'Webpro 3.0 > 隨選影片 > 投資臺灣InvestTW ' (


For further information, please contact Mr. Tsai at