The Taiwan Monthly

Mar. 2024


TWSE revises relevant sustainability regulations to improve sustainability information disclosure and guide enterprises to achieve the Net-Zero

The TWSE states that in order to comply with the 
Sustainable Development Action Plans for TWSE- and TPEx-listed Companies (2023)” released by the FSC, it has revised the “Rules Governing the Preparation and Filing of Sustainability Reports by TWSE Listed Companies” by reference to international trends in sustainability information disclosure.


The focus of this revision includes three aspects. Firstly, listed companies with a paid-in capital of less than NT$2 billion are required to release the sustainability report (for the year 2024) from 2025 onward. The TWSE encourages enterprises to refer to the SASB standards and to its disclosure of industry indicator information.


Secondly, the greenhouse gas inventory and assurance situation in Appendix 2 of the Rules are revised, and from 2025 to 2027, the following schedule will be applied to the disclosure of carbon reduction goals, strategies and specific action plans in order to strengthen the disclosure of climate information.

  1. In phase one, the TWSE listed companies that should disclose such information in 2025 are those with a paid-in capital of over NT$10 billion and those in the steel and cement industries.
  2. In phase two, the TWSE listed companies that should disclose such information in 2026 are those with a paid-in capital between NT$5 billion and NT$10 billion.
  3. In phase three, the TWSE listed companies that should disclose such information in 2027 are those with a paid-in capital less than NT$5 billion.


Thirdly, it is stipulated that it is advisable for the sustainability report to be approved by a board resolution, in order to encourage TWSE listed companies to attach importance to the preparation and filing of the sustainability report. Furthermore, considering the practical schedule of TWSE listed companies for preparation of the sustainability report and affirmation operations, the deadline for TWSE listed companies to complete the sustainability report filing is adjusted to the end of August each year.


In addition, in compliance with the restructuring of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan into the Ministry of Environment, the “Directions for the Implementation of Assurance Institutions for the Sustainability Report of TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies” and related Q&A sets are revised and placed on the website of the Corporate Governance Center (path: Corporate Governance Center/Assurance Institution Zone/Assurance Related Regulations) for external reference.


For further information, please contact Ms. Chen at